Graine d’Europe

Graine d’Europe brings together an imaginative, creative and dynamic team ! Alongside a number of local, national and European partners, Graine d’Europe and its network offer an exciting program of activities for a wide audience: public audiences, school and community groups, the young as well as the young at heart and those who are enthusiastic or less so about Europe.

Its aim is to inspire a wider interest in all things European.

Focusing on local heritage, Graine d’Europe highlights the fact that Europe is right on your doorstep and part of your daily lives…

Using creative arts, it organises artistic workshops and performances presenting the diverse range of cultures within Europe…

Through interactive activities, participants are made to wonder and make connections…

During its special events, prepare to be amazed!

Graine d’Europe is officially recognised by the Education Nationale Pays de la Loire.

We create with you and for you, then contact us, don’t hesitate !