Graine d’Europe is 10 years old!

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Obviously the 10th anniversary of the biggest enlargement in the EU’s history, the 20th anniversary of the Cirque Romanès and the up-coming 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall are more important current events. But the 10th anniversary of Graine d’Europe is linked to all that in a way. At Graine d’Europe we are the kind of team which runs three years’ worth of projects in one year. We give our partners and audiences the opportunity to be part of surprising, amazing, original and creative experiences which can help to widen people’s cultural horizons! So through this website we’re happy let you be part of it, and feel the energy that keeps us, and our network, going every day.

We hope you enjoy discovering our activities and we would like to thank everyone who has been involved in making Graine d’Europe what it is today.

Gaëlle Rolland.